
Common Questions

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Nearly 90% of our firearm brand clients initially experience denials on their 1st audit during the 10DLC registration process. This high denial rate is typically due to the automated nature of most campaign registration audits. These bots, when confronted with the age-gate requirements on our clients' websites, often fail to complete the verification process, leading to denials for reasons such as "Unable to verify," "Need website/working website," or "Complete CTA information if opt-in occurs outside of the website."

However, this isn't the end of the road for our clients. We've developed a successful strategy to overcome these challenges. Our approach involves providing comprehensive screenshots and detailed instructions to the campaign registrars, showing them the correct methods to audit our clients' websites. We also request a human review for the second audit. Thanks to these interventions, we boast a 100% success rate in getting our clients approved on their second attempt, usually within three days. It's a testament to our dedication to guiding the Campaign Registrar through an effective audit process and ensuring our clients smoothly complete their 10DLC registration.

Absolutely! We are here to help you via phone, email, SMS, and live chat. Phone and chat support are available weekly from 9 AM - 5PM EST. Our support email is monitored 24 hours a day and typically responds within two hours. Support is completely free.

Yes. All inbound and outbound messages count as an SMS.

We have non-profit pricing available, please contact our sales team here

There are no contracts and setup fees range from $50-$250 for 10DLC compliance, website setup and more.

You can upgrade at any time.

Two months free when paying annually.

Pricing starts at $1000 / month for a 6-month minimum contract. Enterprise clients can get better when sending over 500,000 texts a month. For SMS short-code pricing, please contact our sales team here.

We assign you a 10-digit textable local number when you create your account. You will not be texting from your personal phone number if you would like to upgrade to a custom number or short code contact sales for upgrading.

Outbound messages are messages that you or your business sends to a customer. Inbound messages are inquiries and replies that you may receive from a customer.

All of our most popular features, like mobile coupons, contests, reviews, drip messages, and file attachments, are included free of charge! There is an additional cost for MMS messages and our Social Profiling feature.

No. SMS messages are one credit and are capped at 160 alphanumeric characters. MMS messages feature longer message lengths (up to 1600 alphanumeric characters) as well as added images, GIFs, or video.

SMS messages are text-only messages that can have up to 160 characters. MMS messages can contain up to 1600 characters and include an image, video, or gif.