
6 Ways Consistent SMS Marketing Benefits Firearm Retailers and Ranges

6 Ways Consistent SMS Marketing Benefits Firearm Retailers and Ranges

Text marketing isn’t just for big brands. Firearm retailers and ranges can use it to build trust and boost engagement. In an industry where reliability and safety matter, consistent communication is key. 

With SMS open rates averaging around 98% and 90% of messages being opened within three minutes, customers appreciate hearing from you regularly, not just during sales or events. This keeps your brand top of mind and shows your commitment to their safety and satisfaction.

1. Build Trust and Dependability

Trust is vital in the firearms industry. Regular, reliable updates make you seem dependable. Erratic messages or only reaching out during sales can make customers suspicious. Consistent, thoughtful communication shows you value the relationship beyond transactions.


  • Schedule regular updates, like weekly safety tips or monthly newsletters, to keep your audience informed.
  • Personalize messages by addressing customers by name.
  • Respond promptly to inquiries to show reliability and commitment to good service.

2. Strengthen Brand Identity

In a niche market like firearms and ranges, brand identity is everything. Consistent messaging reinforces your brand’s voice and values, creating a recognizable image. Over time, this familiarity breeds loyalty. OtterText helps keep your messaging on brand, ensuring every text aligns with your identity.


  • Use a consistent tone and style in all messages.
  • Include your logo or brand colors in MMS messages to visually reinforce your brand.

3. Boost Engagement

Regular, predictable texts keep your audience engaged. When customers know they can count on hearing from you, they pay more attention. SMS engagement rates are high, with an average clickthrough rate (CTR) of 10.66%. This predictability increases open and response rates, making your marketing efforts more effective.


  • Create a content calendar to plan messages in advance, ensuring you always have something valuable to share.
  • Use OtterText’s scheduling features to automate updates, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  • Encourage engagement with questions or calls-to-action, prompting customers to interact with your messages.

4. Foster Loyalty

Consistent messaging shows commitment to maintaining the relationship. For firearms retailers and ranges, loyalty can make a big difference. Regular updates can turn a one-time buyer into a repeat customer who trusts and values your brand. 

SMS marketing campaigns have a conversion rate of around 29%, significantly higher than email campaigns and other marketing channels, and can increase the number of orders by 23.8%.


  • Send personalized thank you messages after purchases to show appreciation and build a positive relationship.
  • Offer exclusive deals or early access to loyal customers, making them feel valued and special.
  • Regularly ask for and act on customer feedback to show you’re listening and care about their experience.

5. Gain Clear Insights

Regular messaging makes it easier to track patterns and measure effectiveness. This clear data allows for better decision-making. Understanding what resonates with customers leads to more effective strategies. OtterText provides tools to analyze and refine your campaigns based on consistent data.


  • Track open and response rates for each campaign to gauge effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use A/B testing to find the most effective messages, refining your approach based on data.
  • Analyze feedback to refine future texts, ensuring your messages continually meet customer needs and expectations.

6. Ensure Compliance and Promote Safety

Consistent messaging ensures all communications follow legal guidelines. Regular safety reminders keep customers informed and show your commitment to responsible practices. Long breaks between messages can increase the risk of being marked as spam.


  • Stay updated on legal requirements for communications to ensure compliance.
  • Regularly send safety tips and reminders to demonstrate your commitment to responsible firearm ownership and use.


Consistency in text marketing builds trust, strengthens brand identity, boosts engagement, fosters loyalty, provides clear insights, and ensures compliance. For firearms retailers and ranges, these benefits are crucial. OtterText makes achieving this consistency simple and effective. Give it a try and see how it can transform your business.

By incorporating these suggestions, the blog post will be more comprehensive, informative, and actionable for firearm retailers and ranges.