
The 6-Step Mobile Marketing Strategy with Nearly 100% Engagement Rates

Near 100% Engagement with a 6-Step Mobile Marketing Strategy

SMS marketing might seem like a blast from the past, but it’s got a power that’s hard to match. Let’s get you started with this comprehensive guide on creating a high-performance SMS marketing strategy in six detailed steps.

Step 1: Identify Your Audience

Let’s begin at square one: your audience. In this digital world, a targeted approach trumps a scattered one. We’ll delve into how to paint a vivid picture of your ideal customer, who will receive your SMS messages.

Here’s the blueprint to clearly identifying your audience:

  • Analyze your existing customer data. Gather insights from your sales data, website analytics, social media followers, and customer feedback. Identify patterns and trends.
  • Investigate your competitors. Understanding your competition’s target audience can provide valuable insights. What are their marketing messages? How do customers respond?
  • Develop customer personas. These are detailed representations of your ideal customers, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and motivations. Don’t shy away from creating multiple personas to capture the diversity of your audience.

Given that the average American checks their phone 96 times a day, knowing exactly who your audience is can lead to higher engagement rates.

Step 2: Create Quality Content

Moving on, we’ll explore the art of crafting the perfect SMS message. Brevity may be the name of the game, but it doesn’t mean your messages can’t pack a punch. It’s all about striking a balance between being concise and compelling.

Content creation for SMS marketing can be broken down into these steps:

  • Speak your audience’s language. Casual or formal, trendy or traditional—adapt your style to resonate with your audience.
  • Offer value. Sure, promotional content is important, but your audience also appreciates useful tips, updates, or news relevant to them.
  • Embrace brevity. With a 160-character limit, every word matters. Be concise yet impactful.

Whether you’re a gym or a church, make each message count.

Step 3: Personalize

Personalization is more than just a buzzword—it’s the secret sauce that can turn your SMS marketing strategy from mundane to engaging. 

For a successful personalization strategy:

  • Segment your audience. Group your audience based on shared characteristics like interests, purchase history, or location.
  • Customize messages for each segment. An event update may interest one segment, while a new product might excite another.
  • Add personal touches. From adding the recipient’s name to tailoring content based on their previous interactions, make each message feel like it was crafted just for them.

Remember, personalization marketing can significantly increase engagement rates.

Step 4: Test Timing and Frequency

Sending too many messages can lead to customers unsubscribing, but send too few and you risk being forgotten. You need to find the sweet spot for your SMS campaigns.

To nail your timing and frequency:

  • Understand your industry standards. Different industries have different peak times and norms for message frequency.
  • Conduct A/B testing. Try different times and frequencies to identify what yields the best results for your audience.
  • Analyze and adapt. Use the data gathered from your tests to improve your future campaigns.

After all, 90% of text messages are read within three minutes of being received.

Step 5: Optimize

The fifth step takes us into the world of data. Marketing without measurement is like driving with your eyes closed. You need to track your success, analyze your data, and, most importantly, use those insights to drive your SMS marketing strategy forward.

Optimization involves:

  • Tracking key performance metrics. Monitor delivery rates, open rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to understand campaign performance.
  • Analyzing the data. Identify what elements led to success or failure.
  • Implementing improvements. Use your findings to refine your content, timing, frequency, and personalization strategies.

Optimization is at the heart of measuring SMS marketing ROI.

Step 6: Scale Up

Once you’ve crafted, tested, and optimized your messages, it’s time to expand your horizons. You need to approach scaling up without losing sight of what made your campaigns successful in the first place.

Scaling up involves:

  • Identifying successful strategies. Understand what worked best in your campaigns.
  • Expanding your outreach. This could be increasing the frequency of messages, reaching out to new segments, or both.
  • Constantly monitoring and adjusting. Keep analyzing your campaigns to identify areas of improvement.

Consider that SMS marketing has an ROI rate of up to 45:1. That’s a clear sign it’s time to scale up.

Your Next Steps – Unleashing the Power of SMS Marketing

That wraps up our in-depth guide to creating an effective SMS marketing strategy. Remember, this isn’t just any marketing strategy we’re talking about. With nearly 100% engagement rates and an ROI of up to 45:1, SMS marketing is a game-changer. Now, it’s your turn to play the game and reap the benefits.If you’re ready to put theory into practice, we have a suggestion. Why not try OtterText? With a free 14-day trial, you can implement everything you’ve learned today and experience firsthand the power of SMS marketing.