
VIP Treatment: Using SMS to Enhance Cigar Club Benefits

VIP Treatment_ Using SMS to Enhance Cigar Club Benefits

One of the simplest yet most powerful ways to make someone feel valued is by giving them personalized attention. This is something we all instinctively understand. Think about the difference between receiving a generic email that starts with “Dear Member” and a text message that uses your name and mentions something you actually care about. The difference is night and day.

This kind of personal attention isn’t just a nice-to-have for businesses like cigar clubs—it’s essential. Members aren’t joining these clubs just to buy cigars. They’re joining for the experience and the feeling of belonging to something exclusive, tailored to their tastes. When members feel like just another name on a list, the magic of that exclusivity begins to fade.

This is where SMS can play a critical role. Text messages are inherently personal. They arrive directly in the same place where people receive updates from friends and family. When a cigar club uses SMS to communicate with its members, it’s not just about delivering information—it’s about creating a sense of connection, of being seen and recognized as an individual.

Why SMS Works

The simplicity of SMS is what makes it so effective. You don’t need a complex system or a team of developers to start sending texts to your members. All you need is a phone and a list of numbers. Yet, the impact of these messages can be profound.

Let’s break down why SMS works so well in this context:

1. Immediacy

Text messages are typically read within 3 minutes of being received. This starkly contrasts emails, which can sit in inboxes for days, or app notifications, which are often ignored or dismissed. The immediacy of SMS means you can reach your members exactly when it matters—to inform them about an exclusive event happening tonight or to alert them to a limited-time offer.

2. Personalization

Unlike emails or app notifications, SMS allows for a high degree of personalization. You can easily tailor messages to include the member’s name, mention their favorite cigars, or reference their last visit to the club. This personalized communication makes members feel valued and recognized, reinforcing their connection to the club.

3. Simplicity

The best tools are often the simplest. SMS is straightforward and doesn’t require your members to download any special apps or create new accounts. They just receive a text—something they’re already accustomed to—and can respond or act on it immediately. There’s no learning curve, no barrier to engagement.

Enhancing the Membership Experience

So, what can a cigar club do with SMS? The possibilities are nearly endless, but here are a few ways that SMS can enhance the membership experience:

1. Personalized Reminders

One of the most effective uses of SMS is sending personalized reminders to members. For instance, you could remind them about an event they’ve signed up for or let them know that their favorite cigar is back in stock. These reminders aren’t just about conveying information—they’re about making sure your members never miss out on something they care about.

For example, imagine receiving a text that says. 

“Hi John, just a heads-up that your preferred Padron 1964 Anniversary Series is back in stock. Swing by the club today to grab yours!” 

This kind of message makes the members feel like the club is looking out for them, keeping them in the loop on what matters most.

2. Exclusive Offers

Another powerful way to use SMS is by offering exclusive deals and discounts. Because SMS is such a direct form of communication, it’s perfect for time-sensitive offers. You can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity that’s hard to replicate with other forms of communication.

For instance, you could send a text like, 

“Hey Sarah, enjoy 20% off all Dominican cigars this weekend. Just show this text at checkout.” 

This makes the offer feel personal, and it also taps into the exclusivity that cigar club members often seek. They feel like they’re getting special treatment—because they are.

3. Event Notifications

Cigar clubs often host events, from tastings to guest speakers. Notifying members about these events via SMS can help boost attendance and engagement. More importantly, it can help make members feel like they’re part of something special.

Instead of a generic invitation, you might send a message that says, 

“Mark, we’re hosting a private tasting of rare Cuban cigars this Thursday at 7 PM. We’d love to see you there—RSVP now to secure your spot.” 

This kind of personalized invitation makes it clear that the event is exclusive, and that the member is valued.

4. Personalized Recommendations

One of SMS’s most underutilized features is the ability to offer personalized recommendations based on a member’s past purchases. By leveraging data on what a member has bought, you can suggest new products they’re likely to enjoy.

Imagine a text that reads, 

“Hi Lisa, Based on your love for Montecristo No. 2, we think you’ll really enjoy the new Cohiba Siglo VI we just got in. Stop by the club to try it out!” 

This not only helps drive sales but also deepens the members’ relationship with the club. It shows that the club is paying attention to their tastes and preferences and actively working to enhance their experience.

Balancing Frequency and Value

Of course, like any tool, SMS needs to be used wisely. The last thing you want is for your messages to start feeling like spam. If you bombard your members with too many texts, they’ll quickly tune out—or worse, unsubscribe altogether.

The key is to find a balance between frequency and value. Every message you send should feel important and worthwhile to the recipient. This means being selective about what you send and always keeping the member’s perspective in mind. Ask yourself: Would I find this helpful message if I were a member? Would I be glad to receive it?

One strategy is to segment your members based on their preferences and behavior. For example, one group of members might be interested in trying new cigars, while another might be more interested in events. By tailoring your messages to each group’s interests, you can ensure that every text feels relevant and valuable.

Getting Started with SMS

The best part about using SMS to enhance your cigar club’s membership experience is that it’s incredibly easy to start. You don’t need to invest in expensive technology or hire a team of developers. All you need is a plan.

Start small. You don’t have to roll out a full-scale SMS campaign right away. Begin with just a few personalized messages a month and see how your members respond. Use the data you gather to refine your approach—figure out what kinds of messages resonate most with your members, and focus on those.

As you become more comfortable with SMS, you can explore more advanced features, like automating certain types of messages or integrating SMS with other tools. The key is to keep it simple and focused on delivering value to your members.

Building a Stronger Connection with SMS

At the end of the day, using SMS to enhance cigar club benefits is about more than just communication. It’s about building a stronger connection with them, showing them that you’re paying attention to their needs and preferences and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to make their experience special.

In a world where so much communication feels impersonal and automated, SMS offers a way to bring back the human touch. It’s a way to remind your members that they’re not just customers—they’re part of a community. And that’s something every cigar lover can appreciate.

SMS is a great place to start if you’re looking for a simple, effective way to enhance your cigar club’s membership experience. It’s personal, immediate, and incredibly powerful when used right. All it takes is a little planning and a commitment to making every interaction count.

Taking Your SMS Strategy to the Next Level

Once you’ve seen the impact SMS can have on your cigar club, you might start thinking about how to take it to the next level. This is where tools like OtterText come in. While it’s easy to get started with basic SMS, you can do a lot more to maximize its effectiveness, and OtterText is designed to help you do just that.

With OtterText, you can do more than just send messages—you can analyze how those messages perform. Are your members opening and responding to your texts? Which types of messages are driving the most engagement? OtterText’s analytics feature gives you the insights you need to fine-tune your SMS strategy, ensuring that every message you send is as effective as possible.

Another key feature of OtterText is its scheduling capabilities. Instead of manually sending out messages, you can schedule them in advance, ensuring that your members receive timely updates and offers without you having to lift a finger. Whether it’s a reminder about an upcoming event or a personalized offer, scheduling your messages allows you to maintain a consistent and engaging communication flow.

And if you’re looking to make your SMS campaigns even more targeted, OtterText’s segmentation tools make it easy to group your members based on their interests and behaviors. This means you can send highly relevant messages that resonate with each member, enhancing their experience and strengthening their connection to your club.

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