
Firearm Event Texts: Drive Sales & Attendance

Firearm Event Texts_ Drive Sales & Attendance

You know your firearms, and you understand your customers. But are you using the full potential of event text messaging to connect with them? This is a direct line to enhancing customer engagement and driving your business forward. 

This post cuts the fluff and reveals how event text message campaigns can enhance customer interactions, streamline compliance, and boost your bottom line. We’ll give you actionable, industry-specific strategies that cut through the noise. 

How to Write Compelling Event Texts

Mastering event texts is an art and a science. It’s about delivering the right message at the right time, in the right way. 

Here’s how to craft texts that resonate with your audience and drive action.

1. Clarity is Key 

Your message should be crystal clear. Since you have only 160 characters, every word must count. Avoid jargon or ambiguous language. Your aim should be to communicate effectively, not to confuse.

2. Personalization

Customers respond better to messages that feel personal. Use data like purchase history or customer preferences to tailor your texts. This could mean segmenting your audience and crafting different messages for different groups.

3. Call to Action (CTA) 

What do you want your customer to do after reading the text? Whether visiting your website, taking advantage of a sale, or attending an event, your CTA should be explicit and enticing.

4. Timing Matters

The timing of your text can make or break its effectiveness. Consider your customers’ routines. Are they likely to read texts in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening?

5. Compliance and Consent

Always ensure your messages comply with legal standards, especially in the firearm industry. Also, respect customer preferences and privacy; send texts only to those who have opted in.

How to Get The Word Out About Your Firearm SMS Event Campaigns

Here’s how to ensure your SMS event campaigns hit the mark and reach your audience:

1. Engage Your Community Directly 

Use every customer interaction as an opportunity to promote your SMS campaigns. Whether during firearm safety classes, at the sales counter, or at shooting events, a quick mention of your text promotions can spark interest. Consider having instructors and staff casually bring it up in conversations.

2. Eye-Catching Signage in Strategic Spots

Leverage the simplicity of SMS (“Text RANGE to 900900”) with visible, catchy signage. Place them where they’re most likely to be seen:

  • In Waiting Areas: A well-placed sign near the counter or in waiting areas can engage customers while they browse or wait for their turn at the range.
  • At Your Sales Desk: Incorporate text campaign details into promotional materials where customers finalize their purchases. It’s a great moment to catch their interest.
  • Receipts and Flyers: Adding a line about your SMS campaign to receipts or flyers with each purchase can be a subtle yet effective reminder.
3. Digital Channels

Use your online platforms. Regular posts about your SMS campaigns on social media, your website, and in online communities can increase visibility. Tailor your message to resonate with the firearm community’s values and interests.

4. Email Blasts with a Twist

If you have an email list, use it to inform your subscribers about your SMS campaigns. A compelling email showcasing the benefits of joining your text program can convert your loyal email subscribers into SMS participants.

5. Community Partnerships

Partner with local shooting clubs, hunting groups, or firearm instructors to spread the word. These partnerships can introduce your campaigns to a new but relevant audience.

What Is The Optimal Timing for Sending Firearm Event Texts?

Sending your messages too early or too late can mean the difference between a successful campaign and one that falls flat. 

Let’s break down the ideal times to send different types of texts, ensuring your messages hit the sweet spot every time.


  • 2 Weeks Before: This is the sweet spot for sending a preliminary reminder about an upcoming event. It’s early enough to catch your audience’s attention and get them to mark their calendars.
  • 1 Week Before: A week before the event, send a follow-up message. This can be more detailed, providing additional information or highlighting special features of the event. It serves as a nudge for those who have yet to decide.
  • Day of the Event: A final reminder can be crucial on the event day. This should be a short, urgent message prompting last-minute decisions and keeping your event top-of-mind.


  • 1 Week Before: A week out is perfect for announcing a sale. It gives your customers ample time to plan and consider their purchases.
  • 24 Hours Before: This is a great time to create a sense of urgency. Remind your customers that the sale is approaching, and they don’t want to miss out.
  • Day of the Sale: Send a text on the day of the sale to catch those last-minute decision-makers. Emphasize the limited time of the sale to create a sense of urgency.

8. Sample Firearm Event Text Campaigns

Here are eight sample text messages about firearms tailored to various themes and occasions:

Special Class Offer: “🔥 Limited-Time Offer! Join our exclusive Firearms Safety Class this month for just $75. Spots filling fast! Sign up now: [Link]”

Limited Availability Alert: “Just Opened: Two spots in our sought-after Advanced Marksmanship Course this week. First-come, first-serve basis. Call now at {{Phone_Number}}!”

Holiday Season Retail Promotion: “🎁 December Deals at the Range! Enjoy free background checks and 15% off select accessories, perfect gifts for the season. Offer lasts until month-end!

Holiday Range Invitation: “🎄 Join the Festive Fun at the Range! Bring your family and friends for a unique holiday experience. Special rates available this December. Spread the joy of shooting!”

Gift Card Promotion: “🎁 Struggling with last-minute gift ideas? Our range gift cards are the perfect solution! Easy and thoughtful. Grab yours today!”

New Year’s Resolution Encouragement: “🎯 New Year, Sharper Aim! Make 2024 your year of perfecting your shooting skills. Join us for special classes and events!”

Membership Renewal Reminder: “Reminder: Renew your membership now and continue enjoying our range benefits, including free annual firearm maintenance. Don’t miss out on your perks!”

Winter Event Teaser: “❄️ Get Ready for Winter Shooting Fun! Exciting events and competitions coming up at our range. Stay tuned for details and special offers. Join the winter excitement!”

Sample MMS Messages for Firearm Events and Sales

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) campaigns can be particularly effective for firearm businesses. By adding a visual punch to their messages, they can stand out. 

Below are sample MMS messages that could be sent out:

1. Father’s Day Range Time

“DADS SHOOT FREE – it’s the dads’ turn to get free range time from June 1 – 18! Plus we have Father’s Day deals on memberships, classes, suppressors, knives, holsters, air rifles & accessories, and more.
Reply STOP to Stop”

2. Members Only Sale Notification

“Buck & Doe’s Mercantile Presents: Members Only Sale: August 28-31! Member’s Mixer Event: August 31! General Public: September 1-3! Check your email for ALL the details..
Reply STOP to Stop”

3. Class Booking Discount Alert

“Buck & Doe’s Mercantile: Howdy! Use Promo Code “FALL20” to receive 20% off any class when you book online from now until September 30th! Book your spot now and start your journey to becoming a skilled shooter! Click the link to sign up today! [Link]
Reply STOP to Stop”

4. Event Day Excitement

“Buck & Doe’s Mercantile: {{First Name}}, we can’t wait to see you! First 25 people in line at 11:00 AM will receive a swag bag with goodies from us and every vendor! There’s plenty of giveaways, demos, and enjoyable moments in store for you!
Reply STOP to Stop”

5. Halloween Costume Contest Invitation

“Buck & Doe’s Mercantile: Hey there, {{First Name}}! We can’t wait to see you for Zombie Night this Saturday from 3-7 PM! Dress in your favorite costume for a chance to win a SPOOKY prize! We’ll see you soon for some Halloween fun!
Reply STOP to Stop”

8. Father’s Day Celebration Event

“Party at Magnum Shooting Center NORTH on Saturday, June 17! Free food, free swag, day-of deals, reps from tons of manufacturers, and FREE SHOOTING for dads!
Reply STOP to Stop”

9. Independence Day Sale Announcement

“MAGNUM JULY SALE: 30% Off Air Rifles & Accessories, 20% Off Rifle Scopes, and 10% Off Suppressors.
Reply STOP to Stop”

The Impact of Event Texts on Firearm Businesses

As a savvy firearm business owner, you always look for the most effective ways to reach your customers. Event texts will help create meaningful, immediate interactions. 

Here’s why you need them, backed by compelling statistics:

Immediate Reach and Read Rates

It’s a fact: 97% of Americans use text messaging at least once daily. When you send an event text, it lands where your customers are most active. Moreover, with 90% of text messages being read within three minutes of receipt, you’re not just reaching your audience; you’re doing it almost instantly.

Unmatched Engagement

The average SMS open rate is a staggering 98%, compared to the much lower rates of email. Even more impressive is the average SMS click-through rate of 36%. This means your event texts aren’t just being seen; they’re being interacted with significantly more than traditional marketing channels.

Enhanced Compliance and Responsiveness 

SMS is invaluable in the firearm industry, where compliance and timely information are crucial. This rapid communication medium ensures crucial updates, like safety recalls or legal changes, are disseminated quickly and effectively.

Personalized Customer Experience

75% of consumers feel comfortable receiving SMS messages from brands they opt into. This comfort level allows personalized, targeted communications that resonate with your audience building loyalty and trust.

Boost in Sales and Customer Engagement

Looking at the broader picture, SMS marketing has been transformative across various sectors. The retail sector, closely aligned with the firearm industry, has seen a 30% increase in sales due to SMS marketing. Imagine what this can do for your business regarding sales and customer retention.

Cost-Effective, High ROI

SMS has high engagement and open rates, translating into a higher return on investment than other marketing forms. For a business where every dollar counts, this efficiency is invaluable.

Quick Guide for Firearm Businesses: Launching Your SMS Campaign with OtterText

Sending your first SMS campaign in the firearms industry with OtterText can be a straightforward and effective process:

1. Set Up Your OtterText Account: Create an account on OtterText’s website. Use our 14-day free trial to familiarize yourself with their SMS services tailored for the firearm industry and S.H.A.F.T. brands.

2. Import Your Contacts: Upload your contact list to OtterText. Ensure you have explicit permission from each contact to send SMS messages, a crucial step for legal compliance in the firearms sector.

3. Write Your Message: Craft a concise, clear text message or get inspired by these 20 shooting range samples. Remember, you have 160 characters to make an impact. 

4. Schedule or Send Immediately: OtterText allows you to send your message immediately or schedule it later. Choose the timing that aligns with your business goals and customer preferences.

5. Monitor Responses and Engagement: After sending, use OtterText’s analytics to track the effectiveness of your campaign. Monitor crucial metrics open rates, engagement, and replies to gauge your message’s success and inform future campaigns.